Recent Award Winners

The Laurie M. Wood Award for the Undergraduate Study of History

Recipients AY 2023-2024: Ashley Krupa and Ana Luyanda


History Department Undergraduate Research Paper Award

Recipients 2023:

  • First-Place: Benjamin Ream, “Rewriting History: The Significance of Roman Origin Stories in the Augustan Age”
  • Honorable Mention: Anne Tirrell, “Chocolate Drinks and Labor in Central America: A Historical Materialist Analysis”

Recipients 2024:

  • First-Place: Ana Luyanda, “Sixteenth Century Spanish Perspectives on Water Management in Aztec Tenochtitlan”
  • Honorable Mention: Meredith Glahn, “Gender and British Convict Transportation in the 1830s”


The John and Susan Ausley Undergraduate History Award

Recipients for AY 2024-25:  Sarah Brophy and Reilly Maresca