Welcome from the chair
Welcome to the History Department of Florida State University! We are among the top 20 public universities in the United States. We are among the oldest undergraduate majors at FSU, and in 1962, we began granting doctoral degrees. With approximately 235 undergraduate majors and 65 graduate students, the History Department values being student-centered. We recognize that each student is unique and a co-creator of their education. Therefore, we offer a range of courses that span the globe in time and space and provide different approaches to foster interaction and encourage critical thinking. You supply the curiosity and commitment, and we will ready you with a degree that can take you anywhere.
Did You Know?
While at FSU 80.6% of our undergraduate majors participate in on-campus activities and 50.8% of our undergraduate majors participate in experiential learning opportunities*
In the past three years, our faculty won external grants and fellowships from the Stanford Humanities Center, The National Endowment for the Humanities, The Smithsonian, The American Philosophical Society, The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, and DAAD (the German Academic Exchange Service).
In the past three years, our graduate students won Fulbright awards, scholarships from the National Trust for Historic Preservation, and travel grants from Duke University’s David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, the Medieval Academy of America, The Society of Colonial Wars in Massachusetts, The Society for Military History, and the Native American Indigenous Studies Center.
Upon Completion
- 60% of graduating seniors pursue employment. Upon graduation 77.4% had received an offer and 74.2% had secured a position.*
- 40% of graduating seniors pursue graduate education in Law, History, or a related field. Upon graduation 90.5% had received an admission offer and 81% had accepted to enroll in the next academic year.*
Graduate Students:
- 28.5% of our PhD graduates from the last five years secured a tenure-track earning job.**
- 30.1% of our PhD graduates from the past five years secured a history-career related position post-graduation (Research Director, Document Editor, Reference Archivist, Curator, Living History Interpreter, Historian for the military, etc.)**
This is How We Nole
*FSU’s Office of Institutional Research
**FSU History Department statistics
For more information about the department and its programs, call (850) 644-5888 or send us an email.