The History Department honors excellence among undergraduate History majors through a variety of awards and prizes.
The Dr. Edward G. Gray Endowment for Undergraduate Exploratory Research in the Department of History will provide funds for undergraduate students currently enrolled in the Department of History. ($5,000) It is strongly preferred that funds support students who are Honors in the Major in American/U.S. history. Students shall conduct relevant research and/or additional training for their undergraduate thesis, including but not limited to documentary, biographical, oral history and archival methods, language training and related travel.
The Dr. Laurie M. Wood Fund for the Undergraduate Study of History will provide support to undergraduate students studying in the FSU Department of History. ($2,500). The award recipient(s) will be currently enrolled at FSU, have declared History as their major area of study, and achieved the rank of junior or senior academic status.
The John and Susan Ausley Undergraduate History Award ($1000 to be distributed 50/50 during fall and spring). Criteria: The award recipient will be selected based on academic merit. Recipients must have a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or greater. Recipients must be History majors engaged in the Honors Program (completing “Honors in the Major” requirements).
The History Department’s Undergraduate Research Paper Award ($500). The winning essay will go well beyond the expectations of the class for which it was written, and it will show the author’s potential for undertaking their own independent historical research, which evidences independent critical engagement with primary and secondary material.