Tyler Roy's path through law school at the University of Richmond is shaping his future in criminal law. This interview offers a closer look at his academic and professional growth.

History major Robert Gonzalez graduated from FSU in Spring 2021. After graduation, he went to law school in Los Angeles to study entertainment law. Now as he is studying for the Bar exam, Gonzalez reflects on his time as a law student.

Christina Portuallo graduated with a BA in History in spring of 2021. She just completed her second year at FSU's College of Law. In this interview, Portuallo talks about how being a History major prepared her for law school.

Jordyn McTavish graduated with a BA in History from Florida State University in spring of 2022.
She just completed her first year at FSU’s College of Law. In this interview, McTavish shares how she prepared for law school and what sets law school apart from undergrad. Her thoughts on having been a History major in undergrad: "Law is a good option for History students. And History is a good option for students wanting to do law. History prepared me very well for law school."

Olivia Lanaghan double majored from Florida State University in History and Communication in the fall of 2021. For law school, she decided on Stetson University College of Law. In this interview, Lanaghan shares how she prepared for law school and what sets law school apart from undergrad.

Dr. Ben Dodds, a scholar with diverse interests and an accomplished educator, joins the FSU history department in fall 2017, after many years at Durham University. Dodds is by training a historian of late medieval England, whose work has focused on social and economic history, particularly of the peasantry.