Meet the HGSA Officers: Frank Amico, treasurer
Frank Amico is a PhD student in the History department working with Dr. Ron Doel.
Tell us about your major area of research!
My major area of research is environmental science history, in particular looking at climate as an idea and scientific study. I try to bring a gendered approach in trying to understand how scientists and the public perceived their relationship to the environment.
What minor fields did you chose?
My minor fields are US History 1865-present, World/Global History, and Public History. I chose the first two fields because my primary research focuses on twentieth century U.S., and I plan to apply a global perspective to that project. These fields also prepare me to be able to teach courses in those subjects. I am doing Public History because thinking about how the public understands history and uses historical narratives is a fascinating and critical topic. Making academic history more accessible and being qualified to engage in different public spaces as a professional historian is important to me. I hope to incorporate public history components into my primary research project.
How did your interest in history start more generally? What do you do for “fun” history nowadays?
I’ve had an interest in history since I was a very young kid. As an adult, I’ve enjoyed listening to podcasts about history for fun. Some are more narrative in style, while others are more interview-based. Hearing these different perspectives can be enjoyable and informative. Often listening to a speaker describe their research or a historical topic communicates different nuances and details than in writing.
What do you do as an HGSA officer? What does your job entail?
I serve as treasurer of the HGSA. I submit financial request forms for the events and activities we put together, as well as help manage the organization's finances and budgets more generally. I also contribute to planning events with the other members of the executive board.
How do you see HGSA make a difference to grad student life?
The HGSA helps foster a sense of community between graduate students. Graduate school can be an isolating experience and, with social networks being strained over the past couple years from the pandemic, having a shared organization that all graduate students can participate in and contribute to can help create camaraderie. Also, the annual conference the HGSA puts together provides a great opportunity for graduate students to present their research and exchange ideas.