Bryant to lecture on Treblinka Trials

Wed, 10/15/14

Michael Bryant will deliver the World War Two Institute's Third Annual Fall Lecture, "Speaking the Name of the Unspeakable: the West German Treblinka Trial, 1964-65.” Dr. Bryant, legal scholar and German historian, will speak about his recent book, Eyewitness to Genocide: The Operation Reinhard Death Camp Trials, 1955-1966, in which he evaluates the West German courts’ sentencing of defendants who had been officers and guards at three major death camps, during the Nazis’ deadly “Operation Reinhard”. Bryant gives a detailed history of the trials, and successfully evaluates the cause of the trials' unusual results. The lecture will take place October 21st at Miller’s Hall, University Center C, Room 3300, 296 Champions Way, Tallahassee, FL at 5:30 with a reception to follow.