Invest in FSU History

Show your support for the Florida State University Department of History and our current and future students with a contribution to one or more of our funds. Simply click on the fund name and you will be directed to the FSU Foundation gift checkout page. The department is honored to be among your philanthropic beneficiaries.

Learn more about the funds below, and contact Nancy Smilowitz, assistant dean of development for the College of Arts and Sciences, at with questions.

History General Fund (F00221)

The History General Fund supports various activities and projects of the Department of History including graduate student travel to regional and national conferences.

Dr. Edward G. Gray Endowment for Undergraduate Exploratory Research in the Department of History (F09691)

The Dr. Edward G. Gray Endowment for Undergraduate Exploratory Research in the Department of History will provide funds for undergraduate students currently enrolled in the Department of History. ($5,000) It is strongly preferred that funds support students who are Honors in the Major in American/U.S. history. Students shall conduct relevant research and/or additional training for their undergraduate thesis, including but not limited to documentary, biographical, oral history and archival methods, language training and related travel.

Dr. Laurie M. Wood Fund for the Undergraduate Study of History (F09472)

The Dr. Laurie M. Wood Fund for the Undergraduate Study of History provides support to undergraduate students studying in the FSU Department of History.

James P. Jones Distinguished Professorship in History (F07785)

The James P. Jones Distinguished Professorship in History provides funds for the scholarly activity of a selected faculty member in the Department of History. Funds may be used for lecture series, graduate student support, travel and research expenditures, summer salary support, and other needs.

Charles A. Stryker History Fund for Excellence (F09393)

The Charles A. Stryker History Fund for Excellence provides funds in support undergraduate and graduate students currently enrolled in or who have been accepted to the Department of History. Funds also support an undergraduate essay prize, graduate student supplements, graduate student research, travel to conferences or seminars and other needs as determined by the department chair.

Dan and Sylvia Walbolt Endowed Fund for Excellence (F07331)

The Dan and Sylvia Walbolt Endowed Fund for Excellence provides much-needed support for the Department of History's faculty, students and staff. The funds may be used for undergraduate or graduate writing awards, faculty or student initiatives to further academic interests, or to otherwise enhance the research, teaching and public service mission of the Department of History. This includes student or faculty travel to conferences or for research. Funds may also be used for graduate fellowships, as well as the operation and support of journals and publications.

Donald D. Horward Endowed Fellowship in Napoleonic Military History (F07455)

The Donald D. Horward Endowed Fellowship in Napoleonic Military History provides much-needed support to selected Master of Arts and doctoral students pursuing research in the area of the military history of the Napoleonic era. The fellowship may be used to defray costs associated with graduate stipends, tuition, research, travel and research material acquisition, among other approved associated expenses.