PhD student
In her Ph.D. dissertation, Randy Smookler investigated the motivations of women to join the NSDAP before it came to power in Germany and how these women remembered their service to the party. Her research led her to focus on the experiences of 27 women who were between 15 and 70 years old when they joined the party.
Follow along as Emily Lu shares her insights and experiences as a Fulbright-Hays DDRA fellow on research in Japan.
In his dissertation, Frank Amico investigates the impact of gender on the making of atmospheric science and meteorology through a case study of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado. Here he talks about the challenges of doing oral history to research more recent events.
Lauren Owens has spent her graduate career looking at home-made medical remedies. Here she discusses her dissertation research into women making medicines and science at home in early modern France.
Kimberly Windham is the subject librarian for History. She received her BA in History from FSU and is currently completing her Ph.D. in the History department. In this interview she talks about her position and the ways students can utilize the university’s library system.
With an oral history grant from the History department, Danielle Wirsansky was able to make a documentary on Margot Graebert, a Holocaust survivor whose story had not been told before. Here she talks about her experiences in visual story telling so far.
Noah Cole studies the ideologies of factionalism in northern Italy in the 15th century. He is also the secretary of the HGSA. As such he organizes its meetings, takes notes, and creates action items. In this interview, Cole talks about the role the HGSA plays in the department.
The HGSA is an important part of graduate student life. In this article, Danielle Wirsansky shares how she came to History and talks about her role as vice president organizing the annual graduate student conference.
Find out more about History's graduate student association. In this interview, we hear from Monique Hyman about her graduate school career and her involvement in the HGSA.
Read about doing research in Serbian archives in this interview with Dragana Zivkovic. Zivkovic’s research explores the lives of middle and upper-class women in the late 18th-early 19th century in the Balkans, an area that was closely connected to the rest of Europe.